For Immediate Release: Inside Dance magazine Welcomes Royal Caribbean as Presenting Sponsor for Performance at Sea Series | Inside Dance
For Immediate Release:
Inside Dance magazine Welcomes Royal Caribbean as Presenting Sponsor for Performance at Sea Series
*Inside Dance magazine to debut Performance at Sea Series throughout 2023
*As Presenting Sponsor, Royal Caribbean will be showcased through an ad campaign and an inside look at being a performer aboard Royal Caribbean ships
ATLANTA, Ga. December 14, 2022 Inside Dance magazine is pleased to announce that Royal Caribbean will be the Presenting Sponsor for its 2023 Performance at Sea feature series. This new series will showcase opportunities dancers have to utilize their skills in a career setting with Royal Caribbean. From an ‘Inside Look at the Audition Process’ to ‘A Day in the Life at Sea,’ the features will take readers inside some of the most popular ships and productions at sea to get a new perspective on life as a performer.
“With 26 ships and over 220 productions, including 7 hit Broadway musicals, Aqua Shows, Ice Shows, and more, we offer over 1,600 performers a year the opportunity to grow and entertain in our world-class venues,” said Royal Caribbean Productions. “We look forward to sharing an inside glimpse into what it takes to be a performer in our award- winning productions; be it on Stage, in the Water, on the Ice, or in the Air!”
In addition to the spotlight series, Royal Caribbean will also be presenting its casting and audition opportunities through an ad campaign that will appear in the print and digital versions of Inside Dance magazine, with the magazine’s new App launching in early 2023 and available on the Apple App Store and Google Play. Web and social media elements will also be integrated into the series and campaign.
“From the Broadway hit Grease on Harmony of the Seas to the Hiro aqua spectacular on Symphony of the Seas, I’ve been so impressed with the incredible productions hosted across Royal Caribbean’s fleet of ships,” said Chris Korotky, President and Founder of Inside Publications. “I know our readers will enjoy learning more about these incredible productions and the amazing career opportunities available to dancers.”
Now more than ever, dancers who conclude their competitive careers have a multitude of options for career opportunities where they can continue to use the skills honed through years and years of hard work. One of the fastest growing industries providing such career opportunities are those found on cruise ships, an industry that is experiencing tremendous growth and entering a new era. According to the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association, approximately 30 million passengers cruise globally each year. Ships such as Royal Caribbean’s Symphony of the Seas host upwards of 6,000 passengers and provide passengers with an array of entertainment options, from aqua spectaculars to hit Broadway shows.
Look for the Performance at Sea Series to debut in the January/February 2023 issue of Inside Dance. Plus, don’t miss the December 2022 ‘Careers” issue of the magazine, which will mark the debut of Royal Caribbean’s ad campaign with Inside Dance magazine.
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